Modern Mystery Shopping: CX management for today’s brands.

We send real people into real places with our specially designed AI tools to evaluate a brand’s true customer experience.

Human researchers are the best way to measure every aspect of your customer experience

By sending human researchers into your business as mystery shoppers, you can evaluate each aspect of the customer experience from the initial greeting to the final goodbye.

You can ensure that your brand’s in-person experience aligns with your vision, standards, and customer expectations.

We offer a proven methodology that delivers a broader, clearer, and more detailed picture than customer feedback alone can provide.

  • Team Excellence

  • Display & Merchandising

  • Ambiance & Hospitality

  • Condition & Cleanliness

  • Operations & Compliance

Better data + better reporting = actionable insights

By leveraging trusted AI technology, we collect rich details on your customer experience and deliver it quickly through intuitive reporting.

Reporting seamlessly combines quantitative and qualitative data into clear takeaways on your brand experience.

Campaign Types

  • Discover your actual brand experience before defining and refining your ideal customer experience.

  • Compare your brand experience versus your adjacencies and competitors to ensure you are a leader in your category.

  • Evaluate and measure your defined customer experience versus your brand standards and KPIs.

  • Check and inspect your brand’s experience in wholesale locations and franchisees alongside your operating agreements.


  • Retail

  • Restaurants

  • Wellness

  • Treatments

  • Real Estate

How may we assist you?

Click below to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how our services and technology can measure and manage your brand’s experience.
